
I moved my grip onto the middle of its length, then I proceeded. Her outer lips separated again, but within there was resistance. It was thicker than anything she'd taken before. I wondered how I would ever get inside her. She seemed reluctant to except it, even in her lubricated state. I added still more pressure, turning it gradually as to almost screw it in. Eventually her lips parted, stretching around its girth, and in it slipped, enveloped by her pink juicy flesh. After that initial push it slipped in quite easily, half of its length disappearing within the first few slow pushes. I wasnt able to give her the full seven and a half inches straight away, her inner muscles were tight and stubborn and though I tried she edged away from the pressure I applied. Still, after a time and some slow rhythmic thrusts she loosened up and relaxed some. She lay back, feeling her way with a look of concern on her face. She needn't of worried though. With each entry I offered her more and more. ” Nick frowned. “What does she look like?”“I’ll send you a picture. If she hasn’t tried to contact you yet, she will. When she does, don’t talk to her without me.” Ainsley took out her phone and brought something up with a few finger swipes. Her eyes widened fractionally. “Oh.”“What happened now?” asked Nick.Ainsley gave a quick half-shake of her head. “Nothing. She’s just a ... strikingly attractive young woman. So, let me reiterate. If she approaches you, resist the urge to sit down with her and discuss things like rational adults. Anything you say to her, we’ll be hearing repeated in a courtroom for the next twenty years. Let me talk to whatever ambulance chasing asbestos ghoul she’s dug up to take her case. You’ll save yourself thousands of billable hours and a small, but very real chance that she’ll find some hack judge and/or jury willing to say that she’s entitled to some significant portion of the Trust’s assets.”Nick couldn’t resist baiting his lawyer. “How attractive.
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